Pet Urine Alarm for Cat & Dog Marking & Training

The SprayAlert Alarm detects when your pet is urinating or spraying. A loud alarm sounds for 10 seconds when triggered with pet urine or moisture. The unit will flash red indefinitely until reset, in case you aren't home at the time
Place the alarm sensor in spots where your dog or cat marks or urinates. When the alarm goes off...
Cleanup pet urine quickly and limit damage to home and furniture.
Use the SprayAlert as a training aid for dogs...
Take your dog to the correct area and reward for good behavior (don’t count on the noise of the alarm to cure your dog’s marking habits).

Immediate feedback for a dog is important to change behavior. Avoid punishment or aversive training. Reward-based training is much more effective. The alarm unit has two volume settings, use the lower one when concerned about stressing your pet.
"My dog was sometimes too lazy to go outside to urinate and would use the bedpost instead, within a month of using this product his behaviour completely changed and he hasn't urinated in the house since. I strongly recommend this product, it's simple to set up and really does work."

SprayAlert with Standard Urine Sensor

SprayAlert with Long Urine Sensor
A good dog training candidate is one that is urinating habitually in the same place, in a handful of spots or less. Cats will not respond as well to training. For them, addressing behavioral issues is the best solution.
Before using this product, understand the cause of your pet's marking or urination. Always first address medical and stress issues. Its primary use is for cat and dog territorial marking and adult dog house training. Not for puppy training.